No one should be surprised that not all people who believe in God are Christians but some Christians believe only they will enter the kingdom of heaven, that God does not recognize those of other God-fearing religions.Christians have no monopoly on God – or religion. Even Jesus himself was obviously not a “Christian”. He was a member of the Jewish faith who disagreed with some of the teachings and doctrine of his religion but he remained a practicing member of the Jewish religion. He wanted to reform the religion he was raised in, the faith of his father and mother; he didn't set out to create a new organized religion or sect. Others decided to do that after his death.So does that mean Jesus is not allowed in heaven? He wasn't a Christian. He practiced Judaism.
Despite what they taught, not those back then who broke from Judaism and became Christians, nor any religious leaders since, have been ordained by God to tell the rest of us what to do or how to think when it comes to our belief in a supreme being. We are, at least for the time being, free to choose our faith and our religious beliefs of our own free will. I have to believe that was God’s plan. Free people should not be shamed, cowed, pressured, frightened, threatened or forced into accepting any particular religious doctrine against their will. And for those who profess a certain belief, just the fact you have made a decision to follow a particular religious doctrine does not make you anymore right than anyone else nor does it give you authority or power over them. God has not granted you that right and Christianity is not a state religion. That is the definition of fascism. The right-wing, fundamentalist Christian movement has embraced fascism in their overzealous attempt to take over the reins of our government and convert everyone to their belief. Jesus, who was liberal, and would not support right-wing views by any stretch of the imagination, was anything but a fascist and would reject most aspects of what the Christian religion has become.
Concerning matters of faith, a man-of-the-cloth once told me that having doubts regarding the stories told in the Bible is healthy. He opined that Christianity was alive and evolving and that doubt and ongoing debate was natural and necessary to keep it alive. How can criticism, doubt, debating factual evidence, and reasoning all be wonderful tools for intellectual pursuits but sinful when applied to the Bible? Did Jesus condemn Thomas for doubting? Did he strike him down or condemn him to hell?
Fundamentalist Christians tend to be ignorant concerning the teachings of Jesus and twist the words of the Bible to suit their needs. They foolishly belief that God has blessed them and them alone and that people of other faiths are damned to hell. How ignorant is that? They think only they and those of their particular denomination will walk the golden streets of heaven and the rest of the world’s people will spend an eternity writhing in the flames of hell. In short, they aren't much different than their radical counterparts, the fundamentalist Muslims.
They also indoctrinate their children from birth regarding their religious beliefs, not allowing their children to question or make any decisions of their own as to the logic or absurdity of the faith chosen for them - or if a faith is even required. Many young adults are conflicted by the expectations of their parents and the evidence they encounter as they reason their way through life.
Although I don’t suspect it would make any difference to the closed minds of your average born-again Christian, here are a few things that any professing Christian should consider –
1. Evolution is a scientific fact and religion should stay out of teaching religion/creationism in Public Schools. Religion/creationism is not even good theory and is about things that cannot be proven and must be accepted on faith. Creationism is not knowledge or science. State ordered religious dogma is fascist. Also, praying should not be scheduled and orchestrated by a public institution. Prayer can be practiced by anyone almost anywhere at any time. It doesn’t have to be an overt display. You can set quietly at your desk and pray. Who can deprive you? How do these "Christians" reconcile forced public prayer with Matthew 6:6 ? "But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words." Churches are allowed to have their own schools as long as they meet state and federal standards but they should stay out of the affairs of public schools.
2. Speaking of prayer, it only works when and if it changes us, when it moves our hearts and minds - it doesn’t work to change the world we live in. Show me one proof of prayer changing an event or physical property. Prayers do not produce material or physical miracles. Prayers don’t protect us, produce money, and keep bridges from collapsing or debt from consuming us – but hard work, right living, right thinking and being responsible does. Prayer should not be used to ask for things beyond our control but instead to ask for personal forgiveness, understanding, acceptance and compassion. If you truly accept God then you’ll let God take care of the rest.
3. The Bible should not be read literally because those who composed the writings that were assembled into the Bible were just men and they sometimes got it wrong. Some writings were considered for inclusion and rejected – not by God, but by the self proclaimed leaders of the church. The decision of which writings to include was mostly political and not decided by God. In many cases the books of the Bible were written by people who believed in religious myths and they used allegories to make simple points. We are more knowledgeable now. We now know the earth is round and it circles the sun. We know that thunder, lighting, floods, tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes are not God venting his anger, these are naturally occurring events caused by climatic and geological interactions sometimes triggered by environmental disturbance caused by man. It’s ludicrous to think a book as superstition-ridden, prurient, disjointed, rambling and full of mistakes and contradictions as is the Bible is one that God personally supervised and intended.
4. The miracles in the Bible are not to be taken literally as many can be explained as natural phenomena or just myths appropriated from earlier pagan religions. All cultures have created fictional stories to teach and support traditional and cultural views. Even Jesus openly used parables, which are made up stories, to make his points.
5. Biblical and religious salvation is different depending on the person and that person’s circumstances. Why would a person have to be a Christian to enter heaven? Jesus didn’t say that. Jesus wasn’t a Christian.
6. Religion has traditionally held women down, especially fundamentalist sects, and it's time for that to end. Men should not have any more rights than a woman. A woman’s right to choose is sovereign to her freedom. And all children should be our priority, not just unborn American children.
7. Homosexuality has been present throughout history. Most likely all homosexuals are born with easily triggered genetic propensities. Old Testament references to homosexuality are to be discounted. Why not? We discount other outdated, superstitious and ignorant Old Testament instructions. New Testament references are all about pedophilia, not adult homosexuality. The fact is Jesus never talked about homosexuality. Besides, why is it acceptable for men and women to use various means to satisfy sexual urges but not two people of the same gender? It’s not my cup of tea but it’s no skin off my ass if two women or two men want to get each other off. Is it un-natural? One could argue that any form of sex other than procreative sex is un-natural. If I remember correctly, only our near relatives the chimpanzees and perhaps some other species of monkey engage in sex for enjoyment.
8. If you believe in God then you should accept that God knows who needs Christianity or who will find God utilizing a different path. Jesus didn't claim to be the only way to God and the apostle Paul agreed with this. It was later Christians who decided otherwise. Jesus reputedly said “the kingdom of God/Heaven is within”. You don’t need a church, or a mediator, or someone’s permission to go within. Believing the only path to go within and the only way to find God is through Christianity or the church doesn’t make sense. Jesus would not approve.
9. There is no hell except in your mind. You create hell for yourself and for other people. Stop now! God is Love – Love is God. Jesus called himself the son of man and he talked about returning to whence he came and being with God as he was before the world was made – and Jesus claimed we are all sons of man. Why wouldn't it be the same for us? In essence, assuming there is a God and assuming we are more than our physical bodies, weren't we all with God before we came into the world and isn't it likely we will return there when we leave this existence?
10. Jesus was born a man, and as a man he was subject to being fallible. He admitted his temptations. He obviously didn't know everything or he would not have cried, “Father, if it is your will let this cup pass from me’, and, at the last “Father,why hast thou forsaken me?” If in fact he did say those things.
The books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the New Testament even vary their accounts of Jesus. As example, for Jesus’ last words on the cross, Luke makes no mention that Jesus’ said anything other than, “Father, into my hands I commend my spirit.” John says that Jesus said simply, “It is finished.” Yet Matthew and Mark both say he cried out loudly something akin to, “Father, why hast thou forsaken me.” As a story writer that has a more dramatic twist. Poetic license?
Three different accounts. Wouldn't God in his infinite wisdom, when he allegedly inspired those to write the books of the Bible, have made sure that there was only one factual account or that all agreed with each other? Why would God allow confusion - because he works in mysterious ways? Why would God insist on being mysterious? Why would God allow the Koran, the Vedas, and the Book of Mormon, etc. to complicate things if only the Bible was his true word? And if God really had a hand in the Bible why didn't God just cut through the crap and be clear, accurate, articulate, concise and straightforward so we would know without a doubt that this is the true word of God? Give me a break!
If you look at the heavens and the world of nature, not the world of man, you’ll see a synchronicity beyond understanding, a wondrous complexity, a harmony and balance of amazing proportions and beauty. Accepting that God, whoever and whatever God is, created all this it’s not hard to conceive that God really is omnipotent and perfect. But when I look at man and see the destruction and chaos caused by man’s disregard for and destruction of God’s creation; and when I look at the world religions and see all the conflict, confusion, ambiguities, flaws, contradictions and disharmony they cause; and when I see all the divisiveness and hatred imbued in them; and when I see all the wars and violence, corruption and evil that have been committed in the name of God, I can only believe that man, not God, is behind this madness.