Monday, August 06, 2007

TMA or Text Messaging Abbreviations

CMIIW (correct me if I’m wrong) but FWIW (for what it’s worth) it seems us SC (senior citizens) sometimes referred to as OF (old fogies) or in the case of old women, BH (blue hairs), who are approaching are or well into our GY (golden years), in order to SIT (stay in touch) with the youth of today who delight in KPC (keeping parents clueless), we need to BUOOTMS (brush up on our text messaging skills) if we want to KWTFTKAM (know what the fuck these kids are messaging) to one another.

Below is a link to TMA (text message abbreviations) to HYD (help you decipher) the CAC (concise abbreviated communications) that are TOC (turning our children) into EDI (electronically dependent idiots) who SMOTT (spend most of their time) with TEGTACS (their eyes glued to a computer screen) RT (rather than) LISE (looking into someone’s eyes) and SDTS (speaking directly to someone), SWTV (speaking with their voice) and IWARLP (interacting with a real living person); PETE (physically expressing their emotions) and SWTF (smiling with their face) rather than a CGI (computer generated icon), TWTH (touching with their hands) and IP (interacting physically) rather than IAK (inserting a keyboard) in between them and the RW (real world).

WIMBC (while it may be convenient) IDTIH (I don’t think it’s healthy) and IFO (I for one) TIEI (think it’s extremely important) that WPTOFW (we preserve the old fashion ways of communicating) with one another BWE (before we evolve) ILMT (into little more than) EROBRC (emotionless robots operated by remote control) from some ACTS (advanced communications technology satellite) controlled by someone like a DMCAC (delusional, manic, cold and crazed) DUBYA (dumb-ass, underachieving, Bi-polar, Yalie Asshole) WTTAOBG (who thinks they are ordained by God) to RTE (rule the earth) and AIBOTFCDW (assist in bringing on the fanatical Christian death wish) of the IDOTWASOR (imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous) Rapture as outlined in TBOR (the book of Revelations).

TAYITE (to assist you in the endeavor) of DTM (deciphering text messaging) IHPTL ( I have provided this link ) to AGTUOCA&SF (a guide to understanding online chat acronyms and smiley faces).